We are gearing up for our Fall 2010 campus photography tour and we want to include your campus. Tour dates and locations will always be changing as new clients are added to our schedule. are starting quickly out of the gate in the Northeast with shoots already scheduled for the first two weeks in September. MA, PA, NJ, and NY are already scheduled. Then as the leaves begin to turn color we make at least one more extended trip in October. New England will be the focus.
Clonazepam Quick Delivery Online Also in the fall we plan at least two Southern trips , both trips will include Florida. usually try to add at least one week to the Southwest and as we get updates on this Oct/Nov trip we will keep everyone informed.
Ambien Purchase Online What the advantage to joining the tour? Savings for your institution for one. I “piggyback” my assignments when I can. This reduces my travel expenses per client. This not only means a dollar savings for you , but it also allows me to give your school more time and timely results for the images you need… those images you need now! I am always adding locations and adjusting dates , so don’t hesitate to call or email me or contact me using the CONTACT portion of this website.
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